Feb 5, 2008

About Films Of Africa Website

Ok, here it is, my first website (http://www.filmsofafrica.com/) which serves as a database for all African films (if that venture is possible at all). To be honest, this endeavor began as part of a class project. Why did I choose this particular subject matter? Well, for one, I am from Africa and happen to be an independent filmmaker (well, this is actually a part-time hobby for me right now, because filmmaking is a very difficult undertaking that requires a lot of money, which I don't have). Secondly, there are a plethora of great African films out there. However, finding information on most African films has been quite an ardous task for me. So, I thought that it would be a splendid idea to create a website where users could access such information quite easily. It is my hope that that as this website (http://www.filmsofafrica.com/) evolves into something grand (in the coming months) it will help other independent African filmmakers, film enthusiasts or film historians get pertinent information. Currently, I am still developing the site. I know a lot of features are missing and I'm hoping that visitors will forgive me for that! I promise to add a lot more pictures and even movie trailers as I make more progress.

By the way, thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...


Great site. We do need a site to aggregate African movies, and I think this is a great start. Keep up the good work.


Nikodimos Fikru said...

Thanks Eliab. I appreciate your comment and most importantly support. If you happen to know films that I should list in the site, please suggest it.


Anonymous said...

This is, unsurprisingly, one more professional work of yours. The importance of having such a database is unquestionably humongous for our continent, and I applaud you for taking the initiative to do this. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Nikodimos Fikru said...

Dear Tefuchuchu,
Thank you so much for your kind words and realizing the importance and magnitude of this initiative. I promise to develop it more.
