Feb 22, 2008

New Films Added--Again

Yeap, remember my first post? Well, I did admit that the film database will continue to be an ongoing project. I am proud to know that quite a number of people are visiting the site. Most have admitted that they realize the importance of such endeavor. In fact, I have been getting congratulatory and encouraging remarks from visitors. I'm even more elated by the fact that there were consistent suggestions of films that are worthy to list in the database. Thank you so much!!

This very morning I received a couple of emails that suggested two documentary films. Lalibela, the Wonder and Mystery. I have had the opportunity to watch this film when it premiered at the World Bank six months ago. It taught me a lot about the wonderful 11 churches King Lalibela of Ethiopia had built 900 years ago. These are not ordinary churches as most were built underground from free standing basalt rocks. The ingenuity of the meticulously executed architectures as well as the sculptures that adorn the interior of the Churches still remain a mystery to this day. This is definitely a must watch movie!!!

The second film that really caught my attention was another documentary film entitled, Africa, Open for Business. Directed by award winning filmmaker and reporter, Carol Pineau, the film trailer made me realize the great potential Africa has to become a world leader in the present time. Africans are gearing up and taking great strides in the realm of business. I've posted the video trailer for this film on the main page. www.filmsofafrica.com

Hope you'll enjoy!

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